
July 12, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA Launches 2025 Priorities Survey

The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) has initiated a comprehensive survey to shape its 2025 priorities, aiming to gather feedback from all state employees and retirees. The survey, open until July 26, 2024, invites participants to share their insights on critical issues such as compensation, benefits, work conditions, career development, and retirement concerns. This inclusive effort ensures that a wide range of voices are heard, with priority given to VGEA members.

The survey is designed to be quick, taking just 3 minutes to complete. The VGEA encourages all state employees and retirees to participate and spread the word to ensure robust advocacy in the upcoming year.

For more details and to participate in the survey, visit

May 16, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Budget Win: 3% Raises for Virginia’s Public Employees

May 13 marked a significant achievement as Virginia passed the new state budget, including 3% salary increases for classified employees, adjunct faculty, and graduate teaching assistants for 2025-2026. This victory highlights the crucial role of VGEA’s advocacy funded by member dues. Learn about the key provisions, ongoing retiree advocacy, and the importance of VGEA membership in this dynamic budget process.

Read the full article

April 28, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Urgent Call to Action: Advocate for State Employee Raises in Upcoming Virginia Budget Revision

The decision to start fresh on the state budget has put crucial salary increases for public employees at risk. Dive into our latest article to discover how you can make a difference. Your voice matters—reach out to Governor Youngkin today to advocate for the inclusion of the 3% raises in the upcoming budget. Let’s ensure our collective voice is heard during this critical period!

Read on…

April 19, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Virginia Budget Negotiations Take a Surprising Turn

In a startling turn of events, the Virginia General Assembly has discarded the current budget proposal, placing vital salary increases for state employees in jeopardy. As Virginia faces a fresh budget drafting amid political and policy challenges, the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) is calling for urgent member action to advocate for their deserved raises. Read more about how VGEA is leading the charge and how you can help influence the new budget’s direction. Your participation is crucial in this decisive moment for public sector workers across the Commonwealth.

Read on…

April 9, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Governor’s Budget Revision: What Does It Mean for You?

Governor Youngkin’s latest budget proposal released on April 8 brings significant changes, and with state employees’ raises on the line, the stakes are high. As we approach the reconvened session of the General Assembly on April 17, we’re hopeful that we’re on the brink of a major victory. Find out more about the implications of the budget and the role VGEA is playing in shaping the outcome.

Read on…

March 26, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

2024 Scholarship Opportunity for VGEA Members

Step into a brighter future with the VGEA Scholarship! It’s not just funding—it’s a launchpad for dreams and ambitions. If you’re part of the VGEA family, this is your chance to turn aspirations into achievements. Think of it as a high-five for your academic journey, courtesy of your VGEA community. Apply now, and let’s celebrate your potential together!

Read the article

March 24, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

On the Verge of Victory: VGEA’s Role in Shaping State Budget

In a pivotal moment for state employees and retirees, the VGEA’s advocacy efforts significantly influenced the 2024 Virginia legislative session’s budget outcomes. Explore the journey from the administration’s initial proposal to a potential 3% salary increase each year for the next biennium for state employees. Learn how the VGEA, with strategic allies like Senator Hashmi, successfully championed the cause of state workers, underscoring the power of a united advocacy approach. As the budget awaits Governor Youngkin’s crucial review, learn more about some of the key items under consideration that could affect VGEA members.

Read the article

February 3, 2024Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Spotlight on VGEA: Richmond Times-Dispatch Feature

Get an insider look at the VGEA’s significant advocacy role, as highlighted in the article, State employees look for raises, voice in changing state workforce, by Richmond Times-Dispatch state politics reporter, Michael Martz. The piece provides great visibility into the VGEA’s work, including our proposed budget amendments and active engagement with current bills like HB 1390. Learn how the VGEA is making strides in representing state employees.

Discover the full story on Richmond Times Dispatch

January 28, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Collective Bargaining Survey

As the Virginia General Assembly considers pivotal collective bargaining bills, the impact on public employees, including VGEA members, could be significant. We’ve created a brief survey to capture member thoughts and opinions on these critical legislative proposals. Member input is vital to ensure that the VGEA’s stance and advocacy efforts reflect the collective voice of our membership. It only takes a few minutes, and responses are confidential. Join us in shaping a strong future for Virginia’s state employees and retirees. Every voice matters – let yours be heard!

Read the article and complete the survey

January 22, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

The VGEA’s Commitment to Retirees

Virginia retiree needs, especially regarding COLAs and healthcare costs, remain a priority amidst the VGEA’s broader advocacy efforts. We celebrate our past successes in advocating for retiree benefits, including the significant legislative milestones we’ve achieved, but we know there is much work left to be done. Learn about the healthcare credit changes taking effect this July and understand the eligibility criteria. Explore our plans to enhance retiree benefits and how retiree feedback is shaping our approach. Retiree experiences and perspectives are vital in guiding our advocacy work as we strive for a future where every VGEA member can enjoy a secure and dignified retirement.

Read the article

January 21, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA 2024 Advocacy Update

The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) is actively advocating for state employees and retirees in the 2024 General Assembly session through significant budget amendments and crucial legislation like HB 1390. Our proposed budget amendments aim to significantly increase compensation for state workers. HB 1390, a pivotal piece of legislation, seeks to empower the VGEA to reach state employees more effectively. Members are encouraged to support these efforts and stay informed on legislative developments. Also, join us on Legislative Day, now rescheduled to February 19th, to make your voice heard in the General Assembly.

Read the article

December 22, 2023Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA to Amplify Advocacy in Light of New Budget Proposal

With Governor Youngkin’s FY24-26 budget proposal unveiling a landscape of both opportunities and challenges, the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) stands ready to decipher and advocate. Learn about the pertinent aspects of the proposed budget and the potential for changes in state employee compensation. Reflecting on past victories, such as turning Governor Northam’s 2020 proposal into a win for state workers, VGEA lobbyist Dylan Bishop underscores the importance of strategic advocacy. Learn how the VGEA’s expertise and collective strength can shape the fiscal future of Virginia’s public sector, and why now, more than ever, membership in the VGEA could be the key to shaping a more favorable budgetary outcome for state employees.

Read the article

December 20, 2023Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

The Impact of the End of Federal Recovery Funds

As federal recovery funds, crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, begin to wane, Virginia finds itself at a pivotal juncture in state budgeting. This article explores the significant shift away from the enhanced financial support of recent years, focusing on the challenges and opportunities this presents for state financial planning, particularly in the realm of state employment. With a closer look at the Virginia Governmental Employees Association’s (VGEA) role in advocating for state employees’ compensation and benefits, learn the nuances of the proposed budget and the strategic response required in this new era of fiscal self-reliance. Discover how the VGEA plans to champion the rights of state workers in a landscape altered by the end of federal aid, drawing on past successes to shape Virginia’s fiscal future.

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November 20, 2023Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA’s Forward-Thinking Post-Election Strategy

In the wake of a pivotal election on November 7, 2023, the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) isn’t just observing changes; they’re shaping them. Discover how VGEA, under a new legislative majority and Governor Youngkin’s leadership, is initiating crucial early dialogue with newly elected officials. Delve into their strategy of using survey insights for proactive advocacy and learn about their preparations for the upcoming fiscal announcements. This is more than a response; it’s a movement to empower every state employee and retiree in this new political era.

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November 7, 2023Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA Monitors Elections with an Eye on the Future

As Virginia’s voters cast their ballots today, the stakes are unprecedented. The entire Virginia General Assembly hangs in the balance, influenced by the transformative redistricting process. Discover how these changes may reshape the state’s political future and what it means for the rights and benefits of government employees. Dive into the VGEA’s strategic response, and find out how the association is gearing up to advocate for the well-being of its members in the face of new legislative dynamics. Plus, learn how you can contribute to shaping VGEA’s agenda through an ongoing survey. Don’t miss the full story—read on for an in-depth analysis and live updates on an election that will set the course for Virginia’s next chapter.

Read the article 

October 31, 2023 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA Spearheads Statewide Survey to Voice Legislative Priorities of Virginia’s State Employees and Retirees

The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) has initiated a statewide survey to garner the opinions of Virginia’s state employees and retirees regarding their legislative priorities for the 2024 session. This proactive move underscores the association’s enduring commitment to voicing the concerns and aspirations of the state’s public workforce to the Governor and General Assembly of Virginia.

Read the full article  |   Download the Official Press Release (PDF)

September 12, 2023 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

VGEA Annual Meeting Wrap-Up and a Look Ahead

The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) wrapped up its Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 9, 2023, marking yet another milestone in its commitment to the state’s employees and retirees, and we’re already looking ahead to our next big event – the Legislative Day at the Capitol in Richmond in February.

Read the full article

August 25, 2023 – Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA)

Virginia Retirement System Posts 6.1% Return Amidst Economic Challenges

In a year marked by economic turbulence, including high inflation, soaring interest rates, and global uncertainties stemming from the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) managed to achieve a notable 6.1% return on its investments. This update comes from a recent report in the Richmond Times Dispatch.

Read the full article.

August 23, 2023

VGEA Prepares to Host 2023 Annual Meeting (9/9/23)

RICHMOND, VA – The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) is set to host its eagerly anticipated Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Every year, the Annual Meeting promises to be an enlightening convergence of some of Virginia’s most dedicated workers and retirees.

Last year’s event saw meaningful discussions, networking, and brainstorming on the future of Virginia’s public workforce. This year, the VGEA team is gearing up for another impactful event. Key insights will be shared by Dylan Bishop, the association’s chief lobbyist, alongside the VGEA executive team and board, and guest speakers from the Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) and the Virginia Retirement System (VRS).

Read the full article

May 1, 2023

Making a Difference for State Employees and Communities Across the Commonwealth

RICHMOND, VA – The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) has been in the news numerous times over the past year because of its passionate commitment to supporting active and retired state employees. It’s easy to see why.

At the VGEA, the team works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that all active and retired state employees have access to the resources and support they need to succeed. This includes meeting with lawmakers, planning events for members, and advocating for the rights and well-being of Virginia’s public employees.

“I am honored to serve VGEA because when I needed guidance in a personnel matter a VGEA member directed me to the organization,” says VGEA Vice President, Sandra Davis. “The VGEA was there for me, and I have been a member ever since,”

Read the full article

March 30, 2023

State employees’ share of health insurance costs rising

“Most state employees will see an increase in what they pay for their health insurance next year, the Department of Human Resource Management says.

With the premiums that insurers charge the state for coverage rising an average of 4.1% next year, the state will ask some employees to kick in between $1 and $11 a month more as their share of the cost.

That translates to increases ranging from 0.6% to 3.7%, depending on the plan and on how many dependents are covered.”

Read the full article on

February 22, 2023

For the VGEA and Its Members, It’s Been a Busy and Exciting February

February was a month of high energy and enthusiasm for the VGEA as members and lobbyists fought during the 2023 General Assembly session to promote the rights and benefits of government employees and retirees.

While the defeat of the telework bill was a setback, the Annual Legislative Day and Reception was a highlight, providing an incredible opportunity for VGEA members to have their voices heard by Senators and Delegates on important issues.

The VGEA is committed to being an effective and robust voice for Virginia’s government employees and retirees, and is dedicated to making a tangible difference for its members and the wider community. Keep following the VGEA to be a part of a vital cause that is creating a better place to live and work.

Read the full article

February 16, 2023

Time Sensitive / Action Needed: Testify to Support Telework Bill SB934 This Afternoon on Zoom

Telework bill SB934 will be heard this afternoon by the House General Laws – Subcommittee #1, and you have the opportunity to testify to show your support.

  • Date: Thursday, February 16, 2023
  • Time: It’s hard to tell the exact time the bill will be heard, but we’re estimating that it could be 3:30 or 4 p.m. this afternoon. More meeting information should be provided when you sign up to testify.
  • Bill: SB934 | State agencies; telecommuting policy.
  • Patron: Senator Hashmi
  • Committee Chair: Hyland Fowler
  • Watch the Meeting
  • Request to Testify Via Zoom or Leave Public Comments

Read the full article for details and helpful guidance re: how to testify.

January 31, 2023

Support SB934 Telecommuting Bill: 2/1 Hearing

The VGEA’s telework bill, SB934, will be heard in the Senate General Laws Committee Wednesday (2/1) afternoon.

This bill seeks to drastically increase the Commonwealth’s codified telework goal.

Committee: Senate General Laws and Technology
Location: Senate Room 3, The Capitol or Online (register to view online)
When: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: The committee meets 15 minutes after the adjournment of the Senate. The Senate goes into session at 12 and will likely meet until 2 or 2:30.

Reach out to legislators before the meeting or attend and testify virtually or in person. Learn more about how to get involved and take action now.

Read the full article

January 13, 2023

Virginia’s 2023 General Assembly Session Kicks Off!

Members of the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) team attended the opening of the Virginia General Assembly session on January 11, 2023, as the 45-day session officially gaveled in.

Find out how we’ll help VGEA members stay up-to-date throughout the session beginning with our first legislative update via email from our lobbyist exclusively for members.

Also learn how VGEA members can join a Member Cohort to discuss challenges and solutions with other members, attend the VGEA’s Lobby Day and Legislative Reception (free for members) on February 9, contact legislators directly using helpful links, and more ways to stay connected and get involved to make a difference.

Read the full article from the VGEA

January 1, 2023

Happy 2023 from the VGEA!

Here’s your quick look at what’s coming up as we begin the new year:

RSVP for the Lobby Day and Legislative Reception soon! Space is limited.

December 15, 2022

Governor Youngkin Releases Proposed Budget Amendments

The Governor released his proposed amendments to the Commonwealth’s current budget. While much of the existing budget language remains in place, there were some additions.

Find out what’s included and what’s not.

Read the full article from VGEA Lobbyist, Dylan Bishop

December 10, 2022

Important Year-End Legislative Updates from the VGEA

We emailed an important legislative update this week to members of the VGEA. The update includes details about how VGEA members can mobilize to help advance legislation in 2023. Additional topics:

Read the full article

P.S. Not receiving member emails? Check your junk/spam folder, update your email preferences by logging into the member-only portion of the website, or contact for help.

December 8, 2022

RSVP for the VGEA 2023 Lobby Day & Legislative Reception

It’s official! Join us on Thursday, February 9, 2023, for one of our highlight events of the year: the 2023 VGEA Lobby Day & First Annual Legislative Reception.

VGEA members are invited to gather at the Virginia State Capitol on the morning of February 9 where VGEA Lobbyist, Dylan D. Bishop of the Eckert Seamans law firm, will kick things off and then lead us to meet with legislators. Later that evening, we’ll gather (venue TBA) for the VGEA’s first annual Legislative Reception! Members and legislators are invited to meet and mingle as part of this exclusive event.

This is a great opportunity to come together to cultivate relationships, discuss issues, collaborate, and explore solutions as we work together to advocate for positive change on important issues facing our state employees and retirees.

RSVP now! It’s an event you won’t want to miss.

December 1, 2022

Request a VGEA Visit! We’ll Come to You

Invite the VGEA team out to share what we’re working on, what’s coming up, and the many benefits of VGEA membership.
We can give a presentation in person, on Zoom, or via a pre-recorded message — whatever works for your team.
Request a VGEA visit now at

November 24, 2022

Stronger With You. Thankful for You.

We’re thankful for a *lot* of things, but Virginia employees and retirees are definitely at the top of the list. And as always, we’re grateful for everyone who worked on our behalf so that we could enjoy the day.
Happy Thanksgiving from the VGEA team.

October 31, 2022

It’s Not Scary to Be a Member of the VGEA

We occasionally hear stories that some state employees and human resources managers believe that the VGEA is a union. We’re not. But to some, just hearing the word union is scary.

Other employees fear that they will be looked at unfavorably by their management or agency for joining the VGEA. They won’t. We have a long and storied history, and we’ve been advocating for current and retired state employee rights for over 50 years. 

There’s no reason to be afraid. VGEA membership isn’t scary: it’s empowering. 

Read the full article to find out more about what the VGEA really is.

October 10, 2022

DHRM Telework Report: Now vs. 2019

The Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) released a telework report on September 30, 2022, that takes a look at telework numbers pre-COVID, during COVID, and present day.

The VGEA took a look at the data. Learn what we found.

Read the report analysis from the VGEA

October 3, 2022

View the VGEA Newsletter, ForeSight, Online!

If you didn’t get a chance to read the VGEA newsletter, ForeSight, when we mailed to our members in August, we’ve updated it, and you can now read it online.

If you’ve got questions or thoughts after reading ForeSight, email the VGEA team at or reach out at

Read the VGEA’s ForeSight Newsletter

September 25, 2022 – Richmond, VA

Watch the 2022 Annual Meeting Replay

On September 10, 2022, the VGEA team, along with members and special guests, gathered at the Richmond Marriott in Short Pump, VA. The VGEA team shared what they’ve been doing to advocate for Virginia’s employees and retirees and let us know the plans for 2023.

Watch the replay of the live event on the VGEA YouTube Channel.

Get Replay Links

August 17, 2022 – Richmond, VA

Register Now to Attend the 2022 VGEA Annual Meeting

Our 2022 VGEA Annual Meeting is right around the corner on September 10, 2022. VGEA Executive Director, Marshall Terry, will be there along with members, guests, and the VGEA team.

This has been an eventful year for the VGEA as we’ve seen the Youngkin Administration bring about changes, pass a new biennial budget, and implement a new telework policy among other things. We’ll talk about all of that as well as the continued need for salary increases, retiree benefits, and our plans for additional telework advocacy based on recent feedback from 1,222 employees. We’ll also discuss our Legislative Priorities for 2023 that over 700 VGEA members helped craft through their responses to our recent survey.

Register Now for the 2022 VGEA Annual Meeting

July 19, 2022

More state employees may leave jobs as telework policy lowers morale, (VGEA) survey shows

“The Virginia Governmental Employees Association collected responses from 708 members within the last week and the survey remains open. While some workers conveyed support for Youngkin’s changes, preliminary results provide insight into building frustration behind the scenes.”

Read the full article from WRIC 8 News

July 14, 2022

VGEA Invites Participation in Two New Quick Surveys

“The VGEA has created two short online surveys to gather important feedback from state employees and retirees.

Each survey takes as little as 2 minutes to complete: Telework Survey  |  Legislative Priorities Survey

Please invite coworkers or retirees who may not be familiar with the VGEA to complete the surveys. We’re hoping to hear from as many state employees and retirees as possible.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

July 8, 2022

9,866: Less than half of eligible state employees sought telework under new policy

“Just under 9,900 state employees have received permission to work remotely at least one day a week under a new policy that Gov. Glenn Youngkin unveiled two months ago to move workers back into their offices after many of them began working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Almost 90% of those who received permission to telework will work remotely one to two days a week.”

Read the full article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

July 5, 2022

Back-to-work deadline arrives for state employees under evolving Youngkin policy

“‘I think they underestimated the number of employees who have some sort of telework or remote work agreement in place,’ said Dylan Bishop, lobbyist for the Virginia Governmental Employees Association.

The governor’s office had been largely silent about the policy’s implementation since acknowledging that it had missed its own June 3 deadline for processing employee telework requests. A second deadline passed June 30 without comment by the administration.”

Read the full article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

June 27, 2022

Virginia health department employees who sought telework say Greene requested medical records

“A summary of a survey from the Virginia Government Employees Association of more than 400 state employees described the telework process as ‘rushed and confusing.’

With fewer than five full work days left before the July 5 return-to-office deadline, it’s not clear when the ambiguity will be resolved. The employees association has called for the administration to delay implementation of telework until Sept. 12 to address concerns around childcare and commuting plans.

In a Monday interview, VGEA Lobbyist Dylan Bishop said he met with Secretary of Administration Lyn McDermid earlier this month, but had low hopes the administration would push back its timeline.

Bishop said his group had always believed the process would be rushed under Youngkin’s timelines. ‘That concern’s only continued to grow,’ he said. ‘The Youngkin administration hasn’t met their own deadlines.”

Read the full article from VPM

June 21, 2022

It’s Official: Governor Youngkin Signs Virginia’s State Budget Including Additional Benefits for Some State Employees

“This afternoon, Governor Youngkin gathered with hundreds of supporters, press, and witnesses, including our VGEA lobbyist, Dylan D. Bishop, for the ceremonial signing of the Virginia budget. Officially signed into law today, the 2023-2024 biennial budget becomes effective on July 1 and will remain in effect through June 30, 2024.

When the General Assembly originally approved and presented its proposed biennial budget on June 1, the VGEA highlighted some of the benefits to state employees. Now fully approved, these benefits move from proposal to reality.

The final budget brings even more benefits to some Virginia employees as the House and Senate unanimously adopted additional amendments that the Youngkin Administration requested.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

June 17, 2022

State workers fear loss of disability protection under Youngkin telework policy

“The Virginia Governmental Employees Association has asked the administration to delay implementation of the policy until Sept. 12, citing a survey of more than 400 employees noting concerns, including exposure to COVID, challenges with child care and accommodations for people with disabilities.

‘The folks who have ADA issues are likely the most impassioned about the position they find themselves in,’ said VGEA lobbyist Dylan Bishop.”

Read the full article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

June 13, 2022

The VGEA Met With the Youngkin Administration on June 8 to Share the Results of the Telework Survey and to Advocate for a Better Telework Policy

“In May, the VGEA had asked members who are current state employees to share their hardships related to the new telework policy so that we could compile and present the concerns directly to the administration.

Over 400 state employees responded to the VGEA Telework Survey, and we shared their stories with the Youngkin Administration on June 8, 2022, at the Virginia State Capitol.

The VGEA also asked the administration to 1) delay the implementation of the new policy until September, 2) to reconsider the blanket nature of the telework policy in favor of returning to a policy that considers the complexities and nuances of all state jobs and trusts the administration of the policy to the individual agencies, and 3) to allow the VGEA to provide consultation on this policy and future policies.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

June 8, 2022

In state employee survey, Youngkin’s telework policy described as ‘chaos’

“A new survey shows some state employees have significant concerns with Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new policy limiting telework, with one unnamed respondent describing it as ‘chaos.’

It comes as the Virginia Government Employees Association is asking the administration to delay implementation to Sept. 12, 2022, giving employees more time to address childcare and commuting needs. The group is also asking Youngkin to reconsider the ‘blanket nature’ of the policy in favor of a nuanced approach that gives individual agencies more decision-making power.”

Read the full article from WRIC

June 8, 2022

Employees Meet With Administration Over Telework; Ask Delay Until Fall

“The Virginia Governmental Employees Association has met with the Youngkin Administration over the controversial ‘return to office’ policy. The Administration is pushing for large numbers of employees to be in offices by July 5th.

VGEA Lobbyist Dylan Bishop says they requested that date be moved back until September to accommodate the need to find child and adult care, as well as other concerns. Bishop says the administration did not agree but said that telework requests for those in need would be liberally granted.

Employees have raised a number of concerns about the policy, not only over the timelines, but also because of the rising cost of gas and parking. Some have also pointed out they do not actually have physical office space to which to return.”

Read the full article from WRVA

June 7, 2022

Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) to Meet with Youngkin Administration on June 8

“Continued thanks to the 400+ state employees who answered the VGEA’s survey about the governor’s new telework policy.

We’ve been reading through the stories of hardships related to the loss of telework — rising costs, work/life balance, health and well-being, and stress — as well as the frustrations about how the policy was implemented.

VGEA Executive Director, Marshall Terry, and VGEA Lobbyist, Dylan D. Bishop, are scheduled to meet face-to-face with the Secretary of the Administration on Wednesday and will present these concerns on behalf of all state workers affected.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

June 3, 2022

Youngkin administration behind deadline in reviewing telework requests

“Youngkin recently made it clear publicly that he is not backing off his plan to put the new policy into effect July 5, but an organization representing state employees plans to request a delay in implementation until Sept. 12, after the Labor Day holiday.

Virginia Governmental Employees Association plans to formally request the delay in a meeting scheduled next week with Secretary of Administration Lyn McDermid, who is overseeing the process for the governor.

‘We were a little concerned over the quick turnaround time,’ VGEA lobbyist Dylan Bishop said Friday.”

Read the full article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

May 31, 2022

Virginia’s Proposed Budget is Great News for State Employees If Passed As-Is

“As expected, Virginia’s money committees released their proposed biennial budget* for 2023-2024 (July 1, 2022- June 30, 2024) on the evening of May 29, 2022.

If the proposed budget is approved without additional changes by both the General Assembly and Governor Youngkin (which the VGEA expects at this time), it will be great news for state employees.

VGEA lobbyist, Dylan D. Bishop, reviewed the proposed budget in detail and provided the portions that are pertinent to VGEA members.”

Read the full article from the VGEA for budget highlights, what to expect next, and details about the pertinent budget sections.

May 25, 2022

Telework Update: The VGEA Will Request a Telework Implementation Extension and Asks VGEA Members to Share Their Experiences and Hardships

“The VGEA Executive Committee met on May 25, 2022, to collaborate on a plan to address the continued impacts and hardships caused by the Youngkin administration’s new telework policy on state employees.

As you know, a part of the VGEA’s ongoing legislative agenda includes advocacy for flexible work options. Those options include the expansion of remote and telework opportunities to help alleviate the state’s longstanding recruitment and retention challenges. To that end, the VGEA decided on the following courses of action today…”

Read the full article from the VGEA

May 24, 2022

Governor Youngkin Announces Alternative Hiring Process for Individuals with Disabilities

“Last week, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the Virginia state government has implemented an alternative hiring process for individuals with disabilities, serving as a model for inclusive employment practices.

‘This process is only the beginning of our strategy to demonstrate our commitment to individuals with differing abilities to improve the state workforce. It is one facet of a more comprehensive strategy, which includes accommodations, communication, education and awareness, compliance and retention of individuals with differing abilities,’ said Margaret ‘Lyn’ McDermid, Secretary of Administration.”

Read the article from the VGEA and see the press release

May 19, 2022

State Employee Concerns Mount Over Youngkin Telework Policy

“State employees face a tight deadline on Friday (May 20, 2022) for getting permission to work from their homes under a new telework policy that Gov. Glenn Youngkin has imposed, but some say their supervisors have shown little flexibility in carrying it out.”

Read the full article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

May 18, 2022

VGEA Collaborates with Youngkin Administration on Implementation of New Telework Policy

“The Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) was surprised to hear of the Governor’s new telework policy for state employees for the first time by email last Thursday, May 12. However, VGEA has since begun productive dialogue about the policy, its implementation, and its potential implications with the appropriate officials within the Youngkin Administration including Secretary of the Administration, Lyn McDermid.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

May 12, 2022

The VGEA Responds to New Teleworking Policy

“As part of the return to pre-pandemic normalcy, Governor Youngkin announced on May 5th that state employees are expected to return to their jobs in person on Monday, July 5th. In conjunction with this announcement, the Governor also implemented a new teleworking policy for state employees.”

Read the full article from the VGEA

Working to Keep Virginia Working

VGEA is the only statewide organization for the broad range of Commonwealth employees.

While there are more than 160,000 of us working in a vast array of professions and jobs, we unite in a desire to be recognized for our dedication to making Virginia a great state.

In short, The Commonwealth of Virginia works because we do!

Whether it’s increasing salaries, improving work conditions or any of the many other employee issues, VGEA is here to help address them all. A strong association with representative members is recognized and invited to decision-making tables in state government. We strive to be relevant, from the 21-year-old new employee to the 100-year-old retiree.

Every employee benefits from the experience and dedication VGEA brings. VGEA matters because you matter!

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