Advocate for Raises in Virginia Budget Revision

Advocacy, Budget, Employees, General Assembly, Legislative Priorities, Virginia Budget, Virginia Governor

April 28, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employee Association (VGEA)

Richmond, VA – In light of the recent and unprecedented decision by the Virginia General Assembly to scrap the existing budget proposal, the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) is mobilizing its members and all state employees to ensure their voices are heard in the new budget drafting process. A crucial part of the discarded budget was the planned 3% annual raises for state employees in the each year of the next biennium, which now hangs in the balance as a new budget is created.

Dylan Bishop, VGEA’s lobbyist, has confirmed that the administration is set to present a new budget proposal on May 13, 2024. In preparation, the VGEA is calling on all public employees to reach out to Governor Glenn Youngkin and their legislators to advocate for the inclusion of the 3% raises.

Your Voice Matters Now

This is a critical moment for state employees to ensure their financial well-being is considered in the budgetary process. Your participation can directly influence the decisions that affect your livelihood. Governor Youngkin and the General Assembly need to hear from you about the importance of these raises for maintaining the quality and dedication of Virginia’s public workforce.

How to Take Action

We urge each VGEA member and every state employees to either email or call Governor Youngkin’s office to express the need for the inclusion of the 3% raises. Here’s how you can effectively communicate your message:

  • Email: Send a personalized email to Governor Youngkin at Begin with a polite introduction, state your position as a state employee, and explain how the proposed raises would impact your life and work. Emphasize the importance of these raises for the welfare of all state employees and the services they provide to the Commonwealth. We’ve included a sample email draft at the bottom of this article. Please include personal stories and thoughts when possible.
  • Web: Send a comment to the Governor through Contact the Governor’s Office.
  • Phone: Call the Governor’s office at (804) 786-2211. Prepare a brief script to stay on message. Introduce yourself, mention your role as a state employee, and express your support for the inclusion of the 3% raises in the state budget.

Act Now

The decision-making process is moving quickly, and it is essential that your voice is heard before the new budget proposal is finalized. Please take a moment to send an email or make a call—it can make a significant difference.

Stay Informed

The VGEA will continue to provide updates as the situation develops. Keep an eye on our website and ensure you are subscribed to our updates. Together, we can make sure that the interests of Virginia’s public employees are not overlooked in this critical budgetary period.

Email to Governor Youngkin

Subject: Support State Employee Raises in the New Budget Proposal

Dear Governor Youngkin,

My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Position] with the [Your Department]. I am reaching out to express the importance of including the proposed 3% raises for state employees in each year of the next biennium in the new budget. These raises are crucial for maintaining the quality of services we provide to the Commonwealth and for ensuring that Virginia remains a competitive employer. As state employees, we are committed to serving our state with dedication and professionalism. The cost of living is rising, and these raises are essential for us to continue performing our jobs effectively without financial strain. Thank you for considering our voices in this crucial decision. We trust that you will support us in achieving a fair and equitable budget that reflects the hard work and dedication of Virginia’s state employees.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Email the VGEA team at or reach out at

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Working to Keep Virginia Working

VGEA is the only statewide organization for the broad range of Commonwealth employees.

While there are more than 160,000 of us working in a vast array of professions and jobs, we unite in a desire to be recognized for our dedication to making Virginia a great state.

In short, The Commonwealth of Virginia works because we do!

Whether it’s increasing salaries, improving work conditions or any of the many other employee issues, VGEA is here to help address them all. A strong association with representative members is recognized and invited to decision-making tables in state government. We strive to be relevant, from the 21-year-old new employee to the 100-year-old retiree.

Every employee benefits from the experience and dedication VGEA brings. VGEA matters because you matter!

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