Budget Secures Raises for Employees in 2025 & 2026

Advocacy, Budget, Employees, General Assembly, Legislative Priorities, Virginia Budget, Virginia Governor

May 16, 2024 – Virginia Governmental Employee Association (VGEA)

Richmond, VA – This week marks a significant milestone for Virginia’s public employees as the budget for the 2025-2026 biennium was approved. The special session held on May 13 culminated in a budget that includes notable wins for state employees, adjunct faculty, and graduate teaching assistants. The budget was finalized amidst intense negotiations and reflects a commitment to enhancing compensation for those who serve the Commonwealth.

Key Provisions for Employees

The approved budget includes a 3% salary increase for classified state employees, adjunct faculty, and graduate teaching assistants in both fiscal years 2025 and 2026. Specifically, Budget Item 469 outlines:

  • Classified Employees: A 3% raise effective June 10, 2024, and another 3% on June 10, 2025.
  • Wage Employees: An optional 3% raise, contingent upon available funds.
  • Adjunct Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants: Similar 3% raises on the same schedule.

VGEA Executive Director, Marshall Terry, emphasized the significance of these provisions: “These salary increases are a direct result of our collective advocacy and the tireless efforts of our lobbyist, our members, and the legislators who support us. It’s a testament to what we can achieve together.”

Gratitude to Our Legislative Allies

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the steadfast support of our lobbyist, Dylan Bishop, and his excellent working relationships with our legislative allies. Senator Ghazala Hashmi introduced the critical budget amendment in the Senate, with Senators Ebbin and Van Valkenburg as co-patrons. Delegate Betsy Carr, a long-time ally of the VGEA, submitted a corresponding amendment in the House. We extend our heartfelt thanks to these legislators for their unwavering support.

The Power of VGEA Membership

This success story also underscores the critical role of the VGEA in advocating for Commonwealth employees. While these raises benefit every state employee, it’s the VGEA’s paying members who made it happen. The dues paid by our dedicated members fund the expert efforts of professionals like Dylan Bishop.

Our voice grows stronger with every member, and it’s essential that the burden of advocacy doesn’t fall solely on our current members. That’s why we’re confident in saying that every state employee and retiree should be a member of the VGEA. Membership is incredibly affordable, and that’s especially when compared to mandatory unions. We invite every state employee and retiree to join our movement, ensuring that we can continue to secure well-deserved rights and benefits.

As we celebrate our victories, it’s essential to recognize the ongoing nature of our advocacy. The budget process is dynamic, and our efforts will continue to focus on securing fair compensation and benefits for all state employees and retirees.

Ongoing Advocacy for Retirees

While the focus in 2024 has been on securing raises for current employees, the VGEA remains committed to advocating for retirees. Retirees are a crucial part of our community, and we are dedicated to ensuring they receive the recognition and support they deserve. Our next steps will focus on advocating for benefits that directly impact our retirees. Our success with the 3% raises shows our potential, and we’re not stopping here. We will continue to fight for retirees’ interests to secure the benefits they need.

The Path Forward

The collaborative approach between the Governor and the General Assembly highlights the importance of dialogue and compromise in legislative processes. The budget includes strategic initiatives to promote value-based health choices among state employees, which is expected to yield savings that could be redirected to fund salary or fringe benefit cost increases.

The VGEA is committed to keeping its members informed and engaged as we navigate the next steps. Your participation and support are vital to our continued success.

For any questions or further information, please reach out to us at info@vgea.org or on our Contact page.

Email the VGEA team at info@vgea.org or reach out at vgea.org/contact.

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Working to Keep Virginia Working

VGEA is the only statewide organization for the broad range of Commonwealth employees.

While there are more than 160,000 of us working in a vast array of professions and jobs, we unite in a desire to be recognized for our dedication to making Virginia a great state.

In short, The Commonwealth of Virginia works because we do!

Whether it’s increasing salaries, improving work conditions or any of the many other employee issues, VGEA is here to help address them all. A strong association with representative members is recognized and invited to decision-making tables in state government. We strive to be relevant, from the 21-year-old new employee to the 100-year-old retiree.

Every employee benefits from the experience and dedication VGEA brings. VGEA matters because you matter!

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