Legislative Priorities

Help Shape the Future: VGEA Priorities for 2025

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The VGEA’s annual priorities are developed each year in collaboration with the following:

  • VGEA members
  • VGEA Board of Directors and Leadership Team
  • VGEA Lobbyist, Dylan Bishop
  • Virginia Employees and Retirees (non-members)
  • Through information gathered throughout the year at state and VGEA events.

These priorities help us focus on the most essential, critical, and urgent issues affecting state employees and retirees and guide our work with the General Assembly. Our commitment is to make your priorities our battle cry in the legislative arena. Your concerns fuel our advocacy and sharpen our focus. Every stride we make aims to uplift the professional lives of Virginia’s state employees and retirees.

The Power of Collective Input

While we prioritize the input from our VGEA members, we value the insights from all state employees and retirees. Our advocacy efforts, fueled by VGEA member dues, benefit Virginia’s entire workforce and bring about positive changes that benefit all.

Why Every Voice Matters

Every piece of input, every shared concern, and every innovative suggestion enriches our understanding and fortifies our advocacy. The diversity of experiences and perspectives among state employees and retirees is a treasure trove of insights that guide our actions. We look forward to hearing from you and championing your causes.

Establishing Our 2025 Priorities

As we prepare for 2025, we are committed to advocating for policies that directly impact work, benefits, and retirement, as well as improving our organizational efforts. To ensure we represent your interests effectively, we need your input on both legislative and organizational priorities.

How to Participate

The survey is open through July 26, 2024. Your feedback is confidential and will be used to shape our legislative and organizational priorities and improve our advocacy efforts.

Contact Us

Your insights and perspectives are always welcome. The VGEA team is available 365 days a year, and we encourage members to reach out anytime via email at info@vgea.org or through our contact page.

Your ongoing input is essential in guiding our mission and ensuring our efforts reflect the true voice of Virginia’s workforce.

Working to Keep Virginia Working

VGEA is the only statewide organization for the broad range of Commonwealth employees.

While there are more than 160,000 of us working in a vast array of professions and jobs, we unite in a desire to be recognized for our dedication to making Virginia a great state.

In short, The Commonwealth of Virginia works because we do!

Whether it’s increasing salaries, improving work conditions or any of the many other employee issues, VGEA is here to help address them all. A strong association with representative members is recognized and invited to decision-making tables in state government. We strive to be relevant, from the 21-year-old new employee to the 100-year-old retiree.

Every employee benefits from the experience and dedication VGEA brings. VGEA matters because you matter!

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