Retirement Advocacy for VA Employees

Our Commitment to Virginia Retirees

At the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA), we honor the service of our retirees, recognizing the profound contributions they’ve made to the Commonwealth. Our mission extends beyond the working years, offering unwavering support, advocacy, and benefits to those who have dedicated their careers to serving Virginia.

Legacy of Support

With decades of steadfast advocacy, VGEA has been the backbone for retirees seeking to protect their rights and benefits. Our legacy is built on ensuring that the voices of retirees are heard loud and clear, both in the corridors of power and in our communities.

Why Every Retiree Should Join VGEA

Being a VGEA member means joining a family that stands together. Membership opens the door to:

  • Legislative advocacy tailored to protect and enhance retiree benefits.
  • Regular updates on issues impacting your retirement and well-being.
  • Exclusive member services for the unique needs of retirees.

Reach Out and Connect

We call on our current members to extend the hand of fellowship to fellow retirees have yet to join us. Share the benefits of VGEA, and let’s strengthen our community, ensuring every retiree has the support they deserve.

Ongoing Advocacy

Our work never stops. From fighting for fair cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to ensuring healthcare benefits are protected, the VGEA is constantly at the forefront, championing the causes that matter most to retirees.

Join Us

If you’re a retiree not yet with us, we invite you to become part of a legacy that cherishes your contributions and actively works to safeguard your interests. Visit our Membership page to learn more about membership benefits and join our ranks today.

Contact Us

For more information about our retiree support initiatives, Contact the VGEA team.

Working to Keep Virginia Working

VGEA is the only statewide organization for the broad range of Commonwealth employees.

While there are more than 160,000 of us working in a vast array of professions and jobs, we unite in a desire to be recognized for our dedication to making Virginia a great state.

In short, The Commonwealth of Virginia works because we do!

Whether it’s increasing salaries, improving work conditions or any of the many other employee issues, VGEA is here to help address them all. A strong association with representative members is recognized and invited to decision-making tables in state government. We strive to be relevant, from the 21-year-old new employee to the 100-year-old retiree.

Every employee benefits from the experience and dedication VGEA brings. VGEA matters because you matter!

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